Englisch für Maschinenwesen

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Types of Goods Wagon

Exercise: Various types of goods wagon have been specially built to carry different goods. What are they?

URL Die Übung "Types of Goods Wagon" besuchen

Units of Measurement

Exercise: For what kind of measurement are the units on the left side used? Assign the words to the correct category.

URL Die Übung "Units of Measurement" besuchen


Exercise: Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. Use each word only once!

URL Die Übung "Maintenance" besuchen

Compound Nouns

Exercise: Match each word with the correct partner from the combo box to form a common pair (compound noun).

URL Die Übung "Compound Nouns" besuchen

Fields of Engineering

Exercise: Find the correct designation for each field of engineering.

URL Die Übung "Fields of Engineering" besuchen

Tools and Machine Tools

Exercise: Decide whether the word on the left belongs to the tools or to the machine tools.

URL Die Übung "Tools and Machine Tools" besuchen

Hot and Cold Working Processes

Exercise: Decide whether the process on the left is a hot or a cold working process.

URL Die Übung "Hot and Cold Working Processes" besuchen

Chemical Products

Exercise: Decide which chemical product is described by the phrase on the left.

URL Die Übung "Chemical Products" besuchen

Übungen im Skript

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