Hubert Engels - Der Institutsgründer

Hubert - Engels - Laboratory (founded in 1898) German

Beyer-Bau, faculty of civil engineering

glass channel with wave-machine for irregular waves

glass channel with wave-machine for irregular waves

research activities:

physical and numerical models referring to the above problems

expert reports in the field of hydromechanics and hydraulic engineering

In the Hubert-Engels-Laboratory, which was founded in 1898 as first permanent hydraulic laboratory possible, to carry out hydraulic experiments for various tasks in the field of hydraulic engineering. Among them pressure-, velocity-, turbulence- and flow-measurements, in models of hydraulic structures, coastal and port structures water treatment or fluid flow through industrial plants.



open air test field in valley Weißeritz near Dresden

    Q = 10 m³/s, flat- and steep-channal


computer net 



Dresden University of Technology
Institut of Hydraulic Engineering and Applied Hydromechanics
Homepage Dr. Aigner

(Date: 08.05.1998)